Through the combined direction of the Eternal President Kim Il Sung, praised for his 선군정치 revolutionary leadership exploits and his son, the Dear and Intelligent Leader Kim Jong Il,1 the embodiment of the 주체사상 idea, the DRPK is demonstrating its dignity all over the world as an invincible socialist country powerful in political and military realms, and is a beacon of hope for the world people in their struggle for justice, peace, independence and prosperity.
They will also smash the pernicious imperialist beasts’ schemes to stifle their independence and sovereignty under the just and powerful banner of 선군정치.
Obviously a workers paradise so dynamic and invincible, riding amid the flame of a new revolutionary upsurge, would be expected to have a lot of important committees. And they do – wonderful committees that are certainly much better than any you or I may be on.2
This list, dedicated to Becky,3 and which barely scratches the surface, is transcribed directly from the English version of the Korean Central News Agency, which, along the completely unrelated Duluth Shipping News, are easily the two most important news outlets on the internet.
Central committees
Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea
Central Committee of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front
Central Committee of the Korean General Federation of Science and Technology
Central Committee of the Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland
Central Committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League
Art Squad of the Central Committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League
Central Committee of the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea
Central Committee of the Korean Democratic Women’ Union
Central Committee for Land Expropriation
Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC
Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Chongryon (Japan)
All-people committees
All-People Measure Committee for Checking the Project of Destroying Four Large Rivers and Protecting Them for Life
All-People Measure Committee against the Murder of Evacuees in Ryongsan
All-People Measure Committee for Checking the Expansion of the U.S. Military Base in Phyongthaek of south Korea
All-People measure committee for radically restoring agriculture and denouncing the murder of farmer Jon Yong Chol
People's Measure Committee against the Total Opening of south Korean Markets to American Beef
General committees
International Liaison Committee for Reunification and Peace in Korea
Korea Asia-Pacific Peace Committee
North Side Committee, the South Side Committee and the Overseas Side Committee for Implementing June 15 Joint Declaration
Preparatory Committee for Joint Functions of Koreans in the North, South and Overseas for Implementing the June 15 Joint Declaration
Youth Students of the South Side Committee to Implement the June 15 Joint Declaration
International Martial Arts Games Committee
Executive committee of the International Martial Arts Games Committee
21st Century Study Committee of South Korea
Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland
Korean Committee for the Promotion of International Trade
Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries
DPRK Measure Committee for Rescuing the Unconverted Long-term Prisoners in south Korea
Committee for Practicing Freedom of the Writers' Association of National Literature of south Korea
Committee to Probe the Truth of Past History of the “Intelligence Service” of south Korea
Committees, while being foreign, are fully sympathetic
with the 주체사상 idea and respectful to the
invincible politics of 선군정치
The Polish Preparatory Committee for Remembering President Kim Il Sung
The Kuwait preparatory committee for commemorating the centenary of birth of President Kim Il Sung
The Asian Regional Committee for Supporting Korea’s Reunification
The Indian Committee for Supporting Korea’s Reunification
Mexican Committee for Supporting Korea’s Reunification
International Liaison Committee for Reunification and Peace in Korea
Bangladesh–DPRK Friendship and Solidarity Committee
The Madagascar–Korea Friendship and Solidarity Committee
The Italian Committee for the Study of the Songun Idea for Independence and Sovereignty
Zimbabwean National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea
The International Preparatory Committee for Celebrating February 16
North Chungchong Provincial Committee of the National Democratic Front of South Korea
n = 42
1. Whose birth, in either 1941 or 1942, was foretold by a swallow, and heralded by the appearance of a double rainbow over Baekdu Mountain and a new star in the heavens.
2. E.g.: Your humble narrator has, at one time or another, been on the Quality Control committee, the Continuous Improvement committee, the Issues and Solutions committee, and the Co-op Preschool Parent committee. Do I have to say more?
3. With great love and admiration of her noble revolutionary comradeship, boundlessly warm humanity, and undying exploits performed by her with arms to shine in the Songun revolutionary history of Juche.
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19 Sep 주체사상 98 ‧ Lists & Tables